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April 25, 2008: Oscine & Sickling Sparrow

(Resting Rooster)
Sickling Sparrow

April 25, 2008
The Cinemat
Bloomington, IN
Recorded by Ben Myers

Resting Rooster played this show but I did not record them. I don't remember exactly why, but they may have played first and I was late to the show because of work. Being a completest, I am often teetering the fence when it comes to beginning a recording in the middle of a show, and of course other factors play. I do have some Resting Rooster recordings to go up at a later date, such as their shows with MV & EE and Akron/Family. I don't have a set order for attacking this, and it may seem random but it will probably develop according to where the files are stored and as they are organized and so on. Anyways I also should mention I'll be podcasting one song from each post from now on, to grab your attention if you subscribe or give you a taste or whatever. This post will be the Sickling Sparrow performance, which is quite different from the Oscine sound. SS sounds much more like Lather or below the hips.

For this show Oscine was Chris Couchman (voice/gtr), Ben Myers (gtr), Derty McGirt (drums) and I think David Pugh played bass. We had practiced once in Chris's kitchen. Random Rules is by the Silver Jews. Sickling Sparrow was only Carson Day. It was awesome.

Sickling Sparrow

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