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Smut 10 Years Anniversary Show


June 11, 2009
The Sauce Box
Bloomington, IN
Recorded by Ben Myers


This show marked the tenth of Smut: Justin Rhody and Keith Wright, of Friends & Relatives Records. This was a huge show and if you want to know about the rest of it you can check it out on Facebook but I'm only going to talk about Smut because I really showed up, they played, and I then left.  I shared a rare cigarette with perhaps Nathan Warrick and talked about being a dad.  I had worked that day and wanted to catch at least Smut.  I was pleased to find that they were next, and I meandered the odd party for a few minutes then planted myself close enough to feel the drums and inserted my earplugs.  Even those were not enough.  If you listen to this you will find yourself turning the volume down repeatedly and still having pain in your ears.  Justin, in an attempt fix some reverb issue I couldn't even hear (due to the massive sound spikes reaching in every pore), left his strings to sit and sing in and out of themselves.  The duo touched a softer side of Smut rarely seen, which in this case means they play in a moderate tempo with a plodding, stoned pulse.  Overall the experience was great fun, and I'm glad I have this to share for the 11th year in Smut.  There's another show since then I have to dig out eventually at Dylan's place with Liturgy, Hail and OS.  Sweet.  I hope you're excited.

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