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Akron/Family & Resting Rooster

Resting Rooster

December 3, 2008
The Waldron Firebay
Bloomington, IN
Recorded by Ben Myers


This was one of the last concerts I went to before Atem was born.  Janice came with me, so Atem was there in utero.  He was born one month later.

As far as the show goes, I've never been a big fan of Resting Rooster.  They're good but something about the song structure and stop-go rhythm turns me off and makes me wishy washy.  Akron/Family killed it.  I was not ready for the 28 minute medley interspersed with freak outs.  I know I should have been.  I gotta say, too the songs from Set 'Em Wild...on the album didn't catch me too well but live they boogie nicely.

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