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When the Tropical Storm Warnings Go Unheeded

Prospects for happiness often occur behind strong shields. It's fucking difficult to break through them, and you have to transverse through all sorts of tasks. Tasks where one must stay focused though stoically enduring hardships completely unrelated and unwanted and if one complains or lets through any fear their traveling companions will stress out in such ways which cause one's own ethics to break, which means that abandonment, recklessness, and/or lashing out in violence is possible and in some cases is believed to be a proper responsive behavior to the situation at hand. If you can allow the destruction of the one simple ethic of "not to bend ethics" then you may get past all this. By bending ethics into a curved line, one is allowed to traverse distances in a path which is shorter than the ethical arc.

In an example: Thou shalt not lie. about one's feelings within a situation, for example. In order to avoid conflict which will only make domestic situations worsen, it is beneficial to be overly polite and insert a mental/social buffer that must be scratched at for an extended period before any feeling is felt inside the shell. If one responds negatively in a given situation, all is burned. If one feels negatively and responds positively, there is chance for recovery later. I'm finding out, though, that recovery is not always...

I refer to Bastand Noise for further decomposition and confusion:
Lost your fucking pride
Found a way to fuck the unsuspecting & trustworthy
Lost your morals--We'll burn your offices down
Burn those fuckers to the ground
We found arrogance
In your self righteous "We are not guilty of anything" attitude
Lost your motherfucking asses to us you "hardcore bitches"
Found your severed heads in a fucking ditch
Now the celebration begins
Your big fat catalog doesn't mean shit now

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