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Angels of Pot: Devil's Night Asshole/Last Tokes Plus

Devil's Night Asshole:
Children of Scare-Midget/Angels of Pot
October 30, 2007
Recorded at The Cinemat

Angels of Pot: Last Tokes
January 29, 2008
Recorded at the Werehouse

Lather: Wash All the Time/Being Watched
February 8, 2008
Recorded at the Werehouse

Last Tokes Band: Last Tokes Release Prty
September 29, 2008
Recorded at TD's CDs & LPs
thx mkl

All sounds recorded by Ben Myers
CoSM=John Hardwick
AoP on Devil's Night=nearly everyone at the Cinemat
AoP's Last Tokes=Kray+Ben

I've Been a Body by Jandek
I Fall by The Damned


Devil's Night, for me, marked the defined and impending end of the Angels of Pot.  I didn't want it to end; it was a bad relationship of broken promises and half-hearted attempts at working together but my hopes were attached to my perspective, so to speak, and the project ran on like a well meaning and rather informative, though annoying, sentence.  Children of Scare-Midget captivated the house and let me be honest it was fucking amazing.  Angels came forth...and the only word which has ever come to mind was clusterfuck.  It got to the point where I stood silently and watched the chaos and questioned the necessity of my colleagues' actions.  At one point the Baron raised his own keyboard to his chest and dropped it, but I didn't hear it then and I won't hear it on the recording, because the sound in that room was piercing and pipe-smashing.  Some things got destroyed or assisted along on their paths towards imminent death.  I walked outside and listed to the sounds beyond the wall and was sad.  When it was over Justin, a supporter throughout, accidentally said it best...

The Last Tokes tape is something I forgot about, found, and decided to release as it was the last recorded work from the Angels of Pot.  I also find it enjoyable, which is odd that our final moments would be pleasant. I nearly walked out or stopped practices or performances before.  I did walk out once, but returned.  The mob was too large for me to even approach without an outburst, the thought of which made me uncomfortable.  I released these on recycled cassettes wrapped in butcher's paper covered in art by myself and some accidental help by Oliver.  The artwork was a drawing I did, printed then painted by hand.  The cassette box is blinding, and the cassette enclosed has been scaled and painted and is sure to remind you of kind bud.  The sounds enclosed will hold you static like the hardest resin hit that lasts eternity.  Each tape is slightly different in artwork, extraneous sounds and price which of course was $42.00/lb.

This Lather track is most closely related to the artwork for the Last Tokes cassette, thus included. Paranoid, indeed.

For the "Release Prty" for the tape, Chris, Janice and I prepared snacks and crap including some sort of "pan-meat" (as in "all/any") dip...that tasted good.  We had deviled eggs with olive halos as well.  We listened to the tape and Chris and I performed two cover songs "which the Angels of Pot would have written if they had the capacity to write songs."  It was certainly an intimate event.

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