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"breakdown amidst the mixtures avoid addictive plea"

I feel as though I'm under heavy surveillance, for crimes I don't understand and therefore cannot admit. If my parents had to undergo this sort of pressure, I wouldn't believe it. I hope it's just a symptom. Do you see this now? If you do, the reason lies somewhere between love and distrust.

Who is John Galt?


Moderate Fun

Fun with Sydney and Caleb. They're young kids, so I had to keep it short. They tire easily and can't hold their attention long unless it's fully animated and audible and they can lose themselves. I bet if we amplified them...


A Modest Proposal

I propose humans to be put into boxes and have placed upon them: chemicals, treatments, so that they can't even rot. Kept from all elements and all other creatures, secluded, a mystery. What happens after we die? If only we were to know. If it were to decompose; if it were to feed another, perhaps we would truly have a purpose. We'd stop searching for the meaning of life. We'd stop fighting...each other.

aural adjustment


We've got no right(s)

Who are we, to portray the pain, the difficulties of existence, of one species against another? Who are we, to take these organisms as individuals and call them "art", while they're just "trying to live"? Who are we, to designate and to assassinate the parliamentary cabbage, the garden. When, in turn, each year, it is to give itself to the existence of us, and during its most mature period, the healthiest period in its life, it's cut down...just before it starts to die. I propose that humans as well are cut down shortly before they're supposed to die, and are fed into another species, where they are allowed to benefit.



Lather:Live June 27, 2008 at Derty Pants' basement

This date was intended to be Improvapaloozaish, but failed completely because some people hold grudges and are self-serving and ashamed. Derty opened his heart and home to us rejects and we had quite a time anyhow. Lots of people got trashed, there was moonshine passed about, and I, the event organizer alone and downtrodden, remained sober for the event just as last year, and for the sake of my friends and their safety as I drove them home.

The Lather set that evening began lonesome and winsome, at a slow pace. Something regurgitated pounced about, then the set took a new direction. Somewhere between jackhammers, black metal and straight up power violence lies this recording. Seas ease in the middle, but mind you the sound pressure in the basement was enough to knock glasses to the floor. Most people listened from afar. For you sissies, I place this online, though thanks to digital recording you'll never experience the truth without having been there.

Podcast Link


Wash All the Time/Being Watched

Imagine being a tree again. You are a tree viewing a human being in a way only a tree can. You can sense them and you have treedias formed about them but nothing is really certain, and you can't fully communicate all of your ideas with your brethren due to some circumstance of the inability to communicate such information in complexity.

As humans, we are to be godly in our relationship to trees. Cleanliness is godliness, they say.

As a lesser being to gods above us (as we are gods to trees) we are constantly watched, cared for, cut down and consumed by these gods. It is completely beyond our control. Paranoid as we may be, we must press on with no regard for the gods unless they successfully attempt to contact us and receive information back from us in return. But can they understand it in the ways which we communicate?

Wash All the Time/Being Watched

One Million Little Pieces

The second of a two-part series improvised in the bathroom.
One Million Little Pieces (lather)

Cold Wind

Apparently I have learned that I can only post one podcast per blog post. This is the first in a two-part improvised series recorded in the bathroom.
Cold Wind (lather)


We are not gods. We are unaware. We may be complete fools.

"Put yourself in the role of a plant, but from the perspective of a human. You have tactile feeling, and can sense temperature, light, and gravitational direction. You may be able communicate with other beings closely related to you in senses and location by chemicals. You may be living in a jungle or forest or someone's lawn or someone's house or in a tree or on the ground or as a seed or maybe you're a clone or came directly from another plant. You don't know this. Do you? I don't know. Probably not, because I don't know where this information would be stored on or in a plant, but there's a lot of things that would be extremely difficult or impossible for me (one mind) to completely comprehend. With the use of others (many minds) I may be able to, but enough.

Reverse the previously given situation. Now you are a "lesser being" trying to understand yourself as a "greater being". Imagine you are a plant trying to comprehend why it exists with only the means which we know plants have. What can you guess about other creatures, specifically humans? I say specifically humans because they're the ones which are most likely to have a most direct effect (esp "non-natural") on plants. Maybe. Maybe you got lucky and you live in the middle of the rain forest where not many humans are, and the ones that are aren't trying to kill you for the sake of paper. But you may not know that, nor know how lucky you are. Maybe you got totally fucked and you're some inbred engineered low-life corn stalk that has nothing to live for except to feed some cows that will eventually feed some humans. Do you know this? Probably not. You probably just reach for the sun, and go to seed. Then you're pretty much dead, except for your seed, which gets spilled unless you're lucky enough to be harvested for future generations to be produced. Or maybe you're put in a vault for humans to save for whatever who knows what reason they have wherefore to save a seed.

Basically, all genetically modified or domesticated plants are going to hell. Except pot, because people bless it and pimp it and spread the seeds or eat them and it's the prince of all plants. Coffee=Jews, but that's just a stupid analogy. As for gods above humans? I can't say what they might be or if they're there, but I can probably feel it when they touch me and it probably causes me fire in some way, but I don't know and I don't think I can know. If I could I'd probably know it. Also, I don't know anything. kalghlodshgladshglkjhsadklfjsfoiehoijeaw

This is why I can't do anything."